#4, Thottapalayam, Vellore- 632004

A BENZZEE O2 SPA is located in Vellore hot of the city to relax, unwind, and rejuvenate their bodies and minds. A Benzzee O2 Spa treatments often include a combination of deep cleansing, massage and hydration. Body treatments, facials and scrubs not only remove impurities but also help towards softening the skin & Restore balance to your mind, body and soul at our luxurious Benzzee O2 Spa in Vellore. Enjoy soothing massages, indigenous therapies, marine body wraps, beauty treatments and couple packages at an award-winning haven where luxury has no limits.

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Now become our premium member and avail exclusive benefits at Benzzee O2 Spa. Save upto 50% on your spa services.

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Phone: +91 416-6633555

Mobile: +91 7824010040

Email: benzzeeo2spa@benzzpark.com 

A city to witness new 4 Star Hotel with all modern facilities – Rooms, Restaurants, Ballroom, Banquet Hall, Swimming Pool, 180° Panoramic view Family Restaurant, Fitness Centre
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#4, Thottapalayam, Vellore- 632004

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